Click here to see our rental rate sheet (a downloadable PDF).


Did you know?

  • We rent high-quality bikes made by Rocky Mountain and Kona.
  • Rentals can be from 2-hours to multiple days.
  • A one-day rental can be either an 8-hour day or one 24-hour period (for example: from 10:00 a.m. Tuesday to 10:00 a.m. Wednesday).  
  • The daily rate decreases the more days gear is rented.
  • Delivery and pick-up in the LCI area are FREE (St. Martin's Point to McKay Bay).
  • We will deliver beyond the Les Cheneaux for a fee. We will give you a quote if you know the address.
  • A bike helmet is provided. 
  • We can also help plan where to go based on your skills and how far you are wanting to ride.

If you want to understand more about rentals — read our blog post Renting Kayaks, Paddle Boards, and Bikes from Woods & Waters

Logo for the Peek-A-Boo Trails which are a biking and hiking trail in between Hessel and Cedarville in the Les Cheneaux Islands area. The logo is reminiscent of a bike logo badge.

FYI! Construction of the Peek-A-Boo Trails begins mid-2024! Consider supporting this local project:

  • Buy an annual raffle ticket — top prize is either a bike or $1,000
  • Purchase a baseball cap, beanie hat, sticker, or t-shirt
  • Check out the Peek-A-Boo Trails website (click the logo above)
  • Follow on Instagram or Facebook
  • Make a donation on the website

Fat Tire Bikes

You might have heard about fat tire bikes and the name is not insulting — it refers to their super wide (or "fat") tires on them. These fat tires make them a very different bike-riding experience because the fat tires provide a LOT of friction which makes them a slower ride. Although they aren't designed for fast-paced rides, they are very suitable for winter for ice and snow with added traction. They are also useful in sandy areas too because the fatter tires disperse rider weight allowing more float instead of sinking into soft trails. Despite their unique terrain capabilities, fat tires can be ridden on roads and gravel too as they roll over pretty much everything you encounter. Come and check one out in person. We carry Rocky Mountain Blizzards, usually in frame sizes S through XL.

Gravel Bikes

Gravel bikes are a popular category of bikes. They are essentially a blending of a road bike (drop handlebars) and a traditional mountain bike (nubby tires). However, the tires on gravel bikes aren't typically as wide as the original mountain bikes allowing gravel bikes to zip right along on roads — whether they be dirt, gravel, or asphalt. We have Rocky Mountain Solos for your adventures, usually in frame sizes XS through XL.

All-Around Adventure & Mountain Bikes

The Rocky Mountain Soul is an all-around adventure bike that essentially is a "basic" mountain bike — upright handle bars and nubby tires for going just about anywhere both comfortably and in-style. Along with the Soul, we also have limited sizes of Growlers (a mountain bikes with beefier tires and suspension), the Fusion hard tail, and youth mountain bikes available for rental. The Soul is available in frame sizes XS through L.